Freedom Quit Smoking Laser

The Nation’s Only Home Use Quit Smoking Laser Device

Freedom Laser, Inc. Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Conduct an FDA Clinical Research Trial for a Home Use Quit Smoking Laser Device

LOS ANGELES, CA – April 15, 2024 – Freedom Laser, Inc. launches a crowdfunding campaign on Netcapital for the Freedom Quit Smoking Laser, the nation’s only home use, nicotine free method to quit smoking and vaping.

There is $2 billion spent annually in the United States on FDA approved quit smoking aids. Even though millions of smokers attempt to quit using drug-based smoking cessation methods such as nicotine patches, gum, and prescription pills, the success rate among the 20 million smokers is only 8%, indicating smokers and vapers continue to struggle every year to overcome their nicotine addiction. Today, countless traditional cigarette smokers are now turning to e-cigarettes to quit smoking, unintentionally replacing one nicotine delivery device with another, perpetuating their addiction. Freedom Laser, Inc.’s funded crowdfunding campaign will enable the company to conduct an FDA clinical research trial for the Freedom Quit Smoking Laser, aiming to achieve the most significant medical advancement to alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms in decades.

More than 20 years ago, entrepreneur Craig Nabat, a former pack-and-a-half-a-day cigarette smoker, overcame his nicotine addiction after receiving a 30-minute, pain-free, low-level laser therapy treatment in Canada based on the principles of acupuncture. In 2003, inspired by his ease of quitting, Nabat pioneered one of the United States’ first and leading quit smoking laser therapy clinics and established Los Angeles-based Freedom Laser Therapy, Inc., now operating under Freedom Laser, LLC. Freedom has proudly assisted more than 10,000 smokers and vapers in overcoming nicotine addiction using a similar laser therapy procedure.

Despite Freedom Laser, LLC.’s positive impact and the procedure’s significant likelihood of helping clients overcome their addiction, the technology has been confined to a clinical setting, limiting access to individuals who desire to quit smoking or vaping using laser therapy. Nabat's innovative solution—a patented home-use wearable headset equipped with eight low-level lasers to stimulate specific acupuncture points in the ears, intended to release endorphins, while simultaneously playing tranquil music for relaxation. Users will wear the device for two 15-minute sessions daily for 30 days to combat and alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This revolutionary laser therapy device has the infinite potential to empower individuals in their journey toward a nicotine-free life.

Craig Nabat, President of Freedom Laser, Inc., shares his vision: “This invention is my life’s work; our team has the knowledge and expertise to make this a reality. We envision a world where overcoming nicotine addiction is within reach for everyone who strives to quit. Our goal is to revolutionize quitting smoking and vaping by providing individuals with a safe, drug free, and effective alternative instead of pharmaceutical-based FDA approved smoking cessation methods.”

Join us in our mission to Free the World from Nicotine Addiction. Support our crowdfunding campaign today to free this generation of smokers and vapers from a lifetime of nicotine addiction.

For more information, refer to Freedom Laser, Inc.’s crowdfunding campaign page:​

  • Woman using Freedom Quit Smoking Laser device, listening to tranquil music
  • Animation of Home Use Quit Smoking Laser Device
  • Man using the Freedom Quit Smoking Laser, alleviating withdrawal symptoms

Live Free From Nicotine