Frequently Asked Questions

Get Clarity on Your Laser Therapy Journey

  • Low-level laser therapy is known to help people quit smoking and vaping and has been widely used globally for more than 50 years. Thanks to its non-invasive and pain-free nature, more than one hundred thousand smokers in the United States used laser therapy as a drug-free smoking cessation method over the past two decades. There have been no known reports of serious adverse reactions from any quit smoking laser therapy practitioners domestically.

  • Our approach involves precisely applying a low-level laser to targeted acupuncture points on the hands, face, wrist, and ears. This technique is intended to yield an endorphin release to reduce the unpleasant symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal.

  • Freedom Laser’s therapist performs a 30-minute low-level laser procedure. During this procedure, clients watch a 23-minute quit smoking therapy video to help them overcome the psychological aspects of nicotine addiction.

    Upon completion of the procedure, our clients receive a comprehensive quit smoking or vaping support kit, including Freedom’s homeopathic craving relief spray, a nicotine addiction support book, a commitment to success workbook, and additional quit smoking support and motivational materials.

  • Freedom Laser has developed a comprehensive 30-minute session aimed at significantly reducing physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with quitting smoking or vaping. The effects of the laser procedure are most beneficial during the first 72 hours following the treatment. Clients can return for a follow-up session at any time, which comes at a reduced cost compared to the initial procedure.

    Although laser therapy does not eliminate psychological withdrawal symptoms, our time-tested program provides our clients with the necessary support to achieve their goal of permanently quitting smoking or vaping.

  • Freedom Laser's quit smoking procedure costs $495 and is designed to help smokers and vapers quit with just one session. This investment in your health is well worth it, especially when you consider that the average smoker spends around $3,300 annually on their nicotine addiction costs alone.

    Most former clients report they experience a financial return on their investment within two months. By quitting, you can save money in the long run by avoiding higher life insurance premiums, health insurance costs, and even car insurance rates. We believe that investing in your health is the wisest decision you can make, and we are confident that our procedure can help you achieve your goal to live free from nicotine.

  • Freedom Laser designed the program to require no follow-up sessions after the initial laser therapy session. While our procedure targets physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings within the first 72 hours, we recognize the challenges of overcoming psychological symptoms associated with nicotine addiction. That's why we offer a supplemental reactivator laser therapy session for just $195 to provide our clients with the additional support they need to quit smoking for good.

  • Currently, low-level laser therapy for smoking cessation is not eligible for health insurance coverage.

  • The painless low-level laser therapy has no known reported side effects; however, if you have been diagnosed with cancer or epilepsy, are pregnant, using a pacemaker, or are taking photosensitive medication, it is recommended to avoid laser therapy as a precautionary measure. It is always best to consult your physician for a professional health diagnosis before treatment.

  • We offer a variety of convenient payment methods to accommodate our clients. We accept all major credit cards, cash, and digital payment platforms like Venmo and Zelle.

Do you still have questions?

Live Free From Nicotine